TikTok policy

We do not intentionally support TikTok in any way.

This not only extends to our own lack of presence on TikTok itself but also to any content we produce or share elsewhere. We will not link to TikTok videos, embed TikTok videos, or otherwise promote usage of TikTok in any way.

Why is TikTok so bad?

While TikTok is not alone among social media companies in its disregard for user privacy, it’s unquestionably among the most egregious offenders. Some examples:

TikTok has faced steeply escalating fines from regulatory bodies around the world for its invasions of privacy and mishandling of personal data. These are just a fe of the more significant actions taken against the company in the EU:

This is without even getting started on the numerous poitical and social issues TikTok creates and/or exacerbates in a unique capacity.

Even if you don’t believe that TikTok’s owner ByteDance is a ‘bad actor’, it’s interesting to observe the difference between the kind of content delivered by TikTok verus the kind of content delivered by ByteDance’s other major platform, Douyin.

There’s a video by MagnatesMedia which covers the insane truth about TikTok including some important context such as the company’s origins and its increasingly complicated love triangles between Western government regulators and the Communist Party of China. If you think Tiktok is just a fun app for kids, it’s a must-watch.